BlackBerry Bold Tethering on Mac OS X

This forum post at has all of the details necessary to set up tethering for a BlackBerry Bold on Mac OS X.

I set up tethering quite a while ago. I then updated my Bold firmware not realizing that it would break tethering. After some digging, I found that the solution is to install the BlackBerry Bold PPPD Replacement. This solution is mentioned on the last page of the same post and also on this forum post.

Now tethering works correctly again, and I still have the benefits of the upgraded firmware on my Bold.

Update: has removed the old post for tethering on Mac OS X. This post appears to be a suitable replacement, but I have not tried these exact instructions.

2 thoughts on “BlackBerry Bold Tethering on Mac OS X”

  1. Hi.. the post for Mac is no longer there.. do you know where else I can get the instruction?

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