Privileged SSH Port Forwarding with Sudo

There are many articles about privileged SSH port forwarding but not much about properly using SSH keys and config files.

The problem is that upon typing:

ssh dakara -L 80:localhost:80

the response is:

Privileged ports can only be forwarded by root.

The obvious solution is to just use sudo:

sudo ssh dakara -L 80:localhost:80

but this produces:

ssh: Could not resolve hostname dakara: Name or service not known

Unfortunately, “dakara” is a host configured in ~/.ssh/config and not available to root. This can be fixed with:

sudo ssh -F ~/.ssh/config dakara -L 80:localhost:80

but this tries to connect as root and prompts for a password. Adding “-l $USER” sets the user name to my user name (This could also be set in the SSH config file.), and adding “-E” to sudo preserves the environment allowing my SSH agent to be used.

sudo -E ssh -F ~/.ssh/config -l $USER dakara -L 80:localhost:80

Now everything connects, and I am not prompted for a password.

Add an SSH Key to an SSH Agent on a Different Machine

I recently discovered that I can add an SSH key to an SSH agent on a different machine. I find this useful because I am very protective of my SSH keys and prefer to keep them on my desktop (Dakara) and not on my laptop (Adria).

On Adria, you can see that I have no keys added:

zac@adria:~$ ssh-add -l
The agent has no identities.

I then secure shell to Dakara and forward my agent (-A) from Adria. I still have no keys added:

zac@adria:~$ ssh dakara -A
zac@dakara's password:
No mail.
Last login: Mon Feb  9 17:30:49 2009 from adria.lund
zac@dakara:~$ ssh-add -l
The agent has no identities.

Next, I add a key from Dakara to my agent on Adria:

zac@dakara:~$ ssh-add
Enter passphrase for /home/zac/.ssh/id_dsa:
Identity added: /home/zac/.ssh/id_dsa (/home/zac/.ssh/id_dsa)
zac@dakara:~$ ssh-add -l
2048 27:81:f8:7f:38:75:6b:ce:95:e4:46:62:02:9c:84:bd /home/zac/.ssh/id_dsa (DSA)

When I log out of Dakara, the key is still available on Adria:

zac@dakara:~$ logout
Connection to dakara closed.
zac@adria:~$ ssh-add -l
2048 27:81:f8:7f:38:75:6b:ce:95:e4:46:62:02:9c:84:bd /home/zac/.ssh/id_dsa (DSA)

Now my key is available on Adria without ever being on Adria. Even with physical access to my laptop, it would take a sophisticated hacker to steal my SSH key.