Fix ISP DNS Hijacking with DD-WRT

Ars Technica recently wrote up an article ISPs hijacking DNS requests to watch web searches. A couple years ago, I discovered that any time that I punched in an invalid domain name, instead of telling me the domain name did not exist, I was redirected to a search page. The search page had an opt out feature, but it reset after a few hours. I wrote a script to automatically opt myself out every few hours, but it was ineffective. When I called CenturyLink (my ISP) about this problem, they first denied it. After arguing with the representative for a while, he eventually informed me that this was how the feature was supposed to work. I asked him how that could be useful if the opt out really wasn’t an opt out. He didn’t have an answer. Eventually I opted to use alternative DNS. However, one solution for those of us running DD-WRT on our routers is to add additional DNSMasq options. While OpenDNS does honor opt outs, I still add the IP addresses they use to my configuration.

Before adding anything, pinging an invalid domain shows:

ping garbage.invalidtld
PING garbage.invalidtld ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=1 ttl=56 time=54.4 ms

I went into the Services page of DD-WRT and added the following to the “Additional DNSMasq Options” section:


Now the same command returns the proper response:

ping garbage.invalidtld
ping: unknown host garbage.invalidtld

I could have applied the same method to filter CenturyLink’s DNS responses, but I have been happier with OpenDNS and decided not to switch back.

ISP Technical Support Sucks

Ars Technica has a nice writeup about “Dropped DSL and missing e-mail: two tales of moving woes.” I think one of the authors sums up technical support for any company perfectly:

If there were any doubts that Verizon has helpful dedicated people, this experience put them to rest. Unfortunately, I know that I’ll never encounter any of them the next time that I have a problem that requires me to dial in to the standard tech support line.

I rarely encounter competent technical support, whether it is at Embarq/CenturyLink, AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner, or Apple. What should take five minutes regularly takes multiple calls and even more tech support agents. On occasion, I do get someone helpful, but it is unfortunately not the norm.